  • 釉面砖屋顶太阳能安装解决方案
    釉面砖斜面屋顶光伏支持系统有很大的灵活性的设计和规划商业或住宅屋顶太阳能系统,主要用于釉面砖屋顶。这个系统是由独特的铝合金挤压支架、各种块和各种屋顶挂钩。它主要由导轨,导轨连接块,介质压力、侧压力,屋顶挂钩。角度设计和加工根据客户的要求来满足安装需求的太阳能模块在不同的纬度和经度在不同的国家或地区,以保证最佳的照明角度。01适用范围釉面砖屋顶光伏支持系统主要适用于住宅屋顶和极大的灵活性。适用于各种太阳能电池板平铺的倾斜的屋顶,和普通瓷砖可以使用类型的民用建筑,包括沥青瓦、釉面砖、水泥平瓷砖,罗马瓷砖,西班牙瓷砖和石板瓦。02年解决方案这光伏支持解决方案使用特定的铝型材导轨,各种压块和各种屋顶挂钩。根据瓷砖的类型选择相应的钩,修理屋顶梁上的钩,选择合适的铝合金导轨根据屋顶的负荷需求,并修复钩上的导轨。预装压块插入导轨,将组件和收紧螺栓修复组件。①03的优势。The bracket system adopts the buckle installation form, which minimizes the types of parts in the whole system, and the installation is convenient and quick; ②.Applicable to the installation and application of solar cell modules of different specifications; ③.High-quality light-duty aluminum alloy profiles are selected, with a neat and beautiful appearance, light weight, and easy transportation.
    - 5月04,2023
  • 如何在不同类型的屋顶安装光伏支架?
    屋顶光伏配件放置专用支架,安装太阳能电池板的安装和太阳能光伏发电系统。一般来说,可用的材料是铝、碳钢和不锈钢。在特定的安装过程中,需要选择适当的安装方法根据不同类型的屋顶。1。混凝土屋顶太阳能安装系统的安装在混凝土屋顶都使用混凝土为基础。有两种方法生产基础,如下:①。现场倒水泥,使基础优势:它可以集成到屋顶,可以强和使用更少的水泥。缺点:钢筋需要预先构建的屋顶的建筑。或用膨胀螺丝连接屋顶的混凝土基础。这往往会破坏屋顶的防水层和很容易泄漏。 ②. Cement Foundation Counterweight Briquettes Accurate statistics are required on the average annual wind speed at the project site and the wind direction in different seasons to calculate the positive and negative wind pressures. The weight of the concrete foundation is then converted from the wind pressure level. Pre-processed cement briquettes of uniform dimensions are then transported to the site for installation. 2. Mental Roofs Mental roofs are generally used on light steel buildings, mostly in standardized workshops and warehouses. Light steel buildings use light weight coloured steel tiles for the roof so spans can be made very large. This is ideal for the large-scale laying of solar modules. The city's industrial parks are standardized plants built in successive blocks, with large numbers and areas, often allowing the construction of tens of megawatts of solar power plants at a time. The mental roofs are made up of thin metal sheets wrapped in foam sheets, which cannot be used to fix the mountings for the battery components by conventional methods. A special 'clamp' is required, the use of which will not damage the original structure and will not cause leaks or structural damage to the roof as a whole. From a load-bearing point of view: it is inevitable that more brackets will be used if installed at the optimum angle. This will add weight to the roof. From a safety point of view, the modules cannot be installed parallel to the roof by installing at the optimum angle of inclination. This creates additional wind pressure when the wind is blowing, which can be a safety hazard. In summary of the above two points, the modules can only be laid flat on a mental roof. The number of modules installed is only relevant for roof area and load bearing and is not optimized. 3. Glazed Tile Roof This refers to pitched roofs with concrete underneath the tiled surface. The installation is usually done by uncovering the tiles, placing expansion screws in the concrete, installing bent hook adapters and then covering the tiles back up. The key is to control the position of the expansion s...
    - 4月24日,2023
  • 常见形式的屋顶光伏支架
    光伏安装系统有多种分类方法,如焊接和组装型类型根据连接方法,根据安装固定型和日常型结构,屋顶和地面类型和类型根据安装位置。无论什么样的光伏系统,其支架的结构通常是相似的,包括连接器、列、龙骨、横梁、辅助零件和其他零件。固定屋顶光伏安装系统固定屋顶光伏安装系统,顾名思义,是指一个安装系统,安装后使其方向和角度不变。固定安装方法直接将太阳能光伏模块向低纬度地区以一定角度(地面),并形成一个太阳能光伏阵列串并联的方式,以实现太阳能光伏发电的目的。有很多种解决方法,如桩基础的方法(直接埋置方法),混凝土砌块平衡方法,pre-embedded方法,地锚方法,等,和屋顶修复方法有不同的方案根据屋面材料。。为不同的屋面材料,将会有不同的光伏支持系统:1)釉面砖屋顶光伏安装系统如图1所示,釉面砖是建筑材料制成的软、硬材料,如碱土和紫色砂挤压后,塑料紧迫,和解雇。材料是脆性材料,可怜的承载能力。图1安装支架时,一个特别设计的主要支持成员通常是固定在低屋顶的釉面砖来支持主要的梁和梁支架。支持成员如连接板通常与多个开口设计如图2所示,它是灵活的和有效的。支架位置调整。 Aluminum alloy pressing blocks are used for crimping between components and beams. Picture 2 2)Metal roof mounting system Metal plate is a steel formed by cold pressing or cold rolling of thin steel plate. The steel plate adopts organic coated thin steel plate (or color steel plate), galvanized thin steel plate, anti-corrosion thin steel plate (asbestos-containing asphalt layer) or other thin steel plates. Profiled steel plate has the advantages of light unit weight, high strength, good seismic performance, fast construction, beautiful appearance, etc. It is a good building material and component, mainly used for enclosure structures, floors, and other structures. Metal roof are generally divided into: upright seam type, bite type (corner type) type, buckle type (concealed type) type, and fastener connection (nail type) type. Picture 3 When installing a photovoltaic system on a metal roof, the shape and load-bearing capacity of the metal roof should be fully considered to determine the fixing method of the bracket. The fixing method of the matel roof bracket is mainly determined acc...
    - 4月17日,2023
  • 防水屋顶光伏支架的安装
    世界各地的屋顶可以大致分为国内釉面砖屋顶,屋顶混凝土平屋顶和精神。安装的屋顶太阳能发电厂,“防水”被认为是一个非常重要的因素!屋顶防水的一般原则是指导比块,即在强降雨的情况下,确保节点可以治疗顺利,这样水瀑布,屋顶不漏。防水混凝土平屋顶的光伏安装的新建筑平屋顶或别墅混凝土斜屋顶(瓷砖覆盖),螺栓通常应预先构建的屋顶设计和潮湿的时候按照常规做法。对于上述两种类型的现有建筑物,屋顶结构应先确认。当连接光伏模块基础结构层,顶部的金属嵌入部分的周长的基础是防水的弱点。如果处理不当,很容易渗入雨水掩埋的结构层的螺栓部分,导致腐蚀结构层的钢筋和创建一个安全隐患。防水的精神心理的屋顶,屋顶安装光伏安装的钢结构光伏安装系统需要穿透原防水层和钢板,是固定的主要钢结构建筑。然后指精神隔汽层屋顶防水练,绝缘和防水处理。建设的重点是消除生锈和腐蚀,密封,防水涂料应用于衬底和外围。 For local leaks in mental roofs, a high quality neutral weather resistant sealant should be used to apply and seal them. For colour plates with severe localized corrosion, they need to be replaced before installing the PV modules. 1)For cases of colour steel plates with trapezoidal rib sections: The PV Mounting is usually connected to the colour steel plate from the side face or top side by means of self-tapping bolts. Self-tapping bolts must be supplied with matching weather-sealed waterproof gaskets. And after fixing the self-tapping bolts, the screws shall be coated with a high quality neutral weatherproof sealant. 2)For cases with cable sleeves through roof panels: Practices are available on existing national standard drawing sets. They can be used in design and construction to suit the actual project. 3)For cases with cables through roof panels: Waterproofing can be carried out using Dektite Cover. It is a roof waterproofing structure, often used in the presence of coloured pressed steel roofs, with good physical properties and chemical resistance to overcome problems such as leakage of rigid waterproofing materials. Waterproofing of the Roof Perforations Made by the Mounting Manufacturer For existing buildings with concrete flat roofs or villa conc...
    - 4月10日,2023
  • 太阳能跟踪系统如何既有效又方便?
    为了获得最大的经济效益对理想跟踪光伏电站,除了面板的技术突破方向,角度调整光伏支持提高能源效率也是一个重要方向。光伏面板可以调整角度跟随太阳移动,增加了直射光表面,有效地提高发电。跟踪光伏支架形成。当前光伏市场主要由三部分组成:结构、控制和动力。控制系统通过传感器和监控模块的角度指示支持开车跟踪的光伏模块。今天让我们来谈谈一个词跟踪光伏发电的核心支持系统操作控制系统。# 01跟踪项目光伏产业前沿跟踪控制器制造商已经逐渐开始使用人工智能自主学习算法和天文算法来优化跟踪角,提高发电。为了建立一个智能、高效的跟踪光伏电站,Kseng跟踪控制项目满足OTA远程固件升级,并植入人工智能自主学习算法和天文算法,全面跟踪硬件和软件升级,有效地提高跟踪精度和智能发电增加10 - 25%。# 02跟踪式传感器跟踪系统中负责监控信号,不限于光,风,雨,雪和其他传感器。它将监测信息在无线通信传输的控制箱程序决定,智能切换和跟踪模式。 A tilt sensor is set in the KSeng tracking control box for angle determination, and the motor is driven to make the bracket conform to the target Angle. When the wind speed sensor senses the maximum wind speed, or even bad weather such as heavy rain and snow, the controller will drive the bracket into the protection angle, so as to protect the whole bracket and optimize the reliability and safety of the system. #03 Debugging tool The on-site installation, operation and maintenance of photovoltaic power stations usually use software to debug the on-site support system. Kseng has a variety of modes, such as the interactive interface on the device, mobile APP, upper computer, Web and debugging tools, to carry out power station operation and maintenance work, meet the one-to-one, one-to-many centralized management to achieve remote operation and maintenance of each tracking controller. Diversified operation and maintenance. The model can better serve the complex construction site environment and effectively improve the working efficiency of the power station. #04 SCADA Backstage First of all, Kseng provides convenient SCADA background operating system which can monitor different block areas, each subarray and each heel in real time, each tracker t...
  • 预防措施为彩钢瓦屋顶安装光伏
    - 3月27日,2023
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